Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of the In Truth report?

In Truth provides unique insight into how the world views your environmental sustainability credentials – highlighting reputation risks and rewards. Reporting provides a clear and honest depiction of how your organisation is perceived in relation to environmental sustainability and highlights any investments, partnerships, strategies or projects which may jar with your environmental sustainability identity or fall short in terms of credibility. The information and tools which we provide will allow you to move forward with your strategy with confidence - bringing invaluable improvements in integrity, efficiency, reputation and ROI.


How much will the report cost?

Every organisation and report is different. We will provide a bespoke quote for your report following the initial consultation. We ensure every quote takes into account ROI, to ensure that your organisation benefits fully from working with In Truth.  


How long does the In Truth report take?

The time period allocated to the report will vary depending on the criteria laid out in the initial consultation. We pride ourselves on our efficiency. However, we are also meticulous in our reporting and therefore we will take time to ensure that the market research and desktop research is thorough. We will provide an outline of the report timeline as part of bespoke quotation.


What are the main methodologies used to complete the report? 

The report uses a number of methods to determine the status of your organisation's environmental sustainability reputation. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are employed to provide accurate feedback and conclusions. The report uses both the survey and press report to show key findings. This has been supported by desktop research and consultant feedback to provide understanding and experience to contextualise the report. The consultants use qualitative data such as business analysis, research studies and industry comparisons to create a thorough report on your environmental sustainability strategy.


How will the report be presented?

The report will be presented in a concise document for you to share internally. The document will use visual graphics and copy to present a clear picture of your current environmental sustainability status from a both a credibility and market research perspective.


How do I know if my organisation needs the In Truth report? 

If your organisation has begun its environmental sustainability journey and wants to consider its reputation risks, impact, ROI and how to deliver on targets, then the In Truth report is for you. It can be difficult to assess the benefits of environmental sustainability strategies internally, therefore an independent report can provide a critical insight into how to effective, credible and influential your investment has been and how this can be improved.  


How will the report help my organisation?

Our report is designed to help you understand how you can achieve positive results for the planet and your profits. We assess your current environmental sustainability strategy in terms of both effectiveness for the planet and optics for your organisation. We consider credibility as the number one benchmark and therefore highlight greenwashing flags. The report will therefore determine the success of your current strategy, as well as provide an essential insight into how to structure your future strategy. This maximises ROI for both the planet and your public relations.


Do you provide project management support with solutions?

With many years’ experience in the environmental sustainability sector, In Truth can provide project management support following the report findings. In addition to project support, In Truth can also share its large network of solution providers to help implement important environmental sustainability actions, such as procuring green energy, funding biodiversity projects, improving waste management and assessing operational efficiencies.