Your reputation risks and rewards report.

The In Truth Report

Our bespoke report has been designed to provide you with unique but crucial insight into your existing green reputation risks and rewards. Through media analysis and market research, we will determine the credibility of your existing strategy, the effectiveness of your comms and how this translates when assessing stakeholder opinions. A comprehensive snapshot, interpreted with honesty and integrity.

Report structure

  • The Stakeholder Report will reveal how your organisation is perceived in the context of environmental sustainability across key stakeholder groups. These groups may include employees, shareholders, customers, strategic and commercial partners and the general public. This section of the report will determine you current reputation amongst key groups and highlight any important areas for improvement.

  • The Media Report will identify the volume, quality and type of coverage your organisation has received in the context of environmental, across multiple platforms. These platforms may include internal and external websites, social media sites, as well as any key editorial coverage, which may not have been published online. The report is provides an important insight into your digital footprint across green issues, directly or indirectly relating to your business.

  • Green claims can be tricky to navigate. Clearly communicating your investment in environmental sustainability can improve your organisation's reputation, but any statements that are misleading or lacking in credibility can very quickly undo all your hard work and compromise the outcomes of your investments. With the Advertising Standards Authority taking an increasingly hard line against misleading claims, In Truth will identify particular areas of concern - limiting your exposure to green-washing accusations and reputation damage.

  • Once these phases are completed, we will provide a full Strategy Report on your current reputation in the context of environmental sustainability - using key indicators and primary research. The report will be use key findings to demonstrate where there may be room for improvement, in terms of activity, investment, due diligence and communication strategies. The final analysis will also show where your brand/organisation has made a positive impact and how this has translated to improving your reputation.

We can’t wait to get started.

Get in touch to discuss how we can improve your brand’s environmental integrity.