Together, we can make a difference.

Our mission

In Truth provides unique insight into how the world views your environmental sustainability credentials – highlighting reputation risks and rewards. In Truth uses a combination of market, media and desktop research to gauge stakeholder opinion of your current environmental sustainability strategy. Reporting provides a clear and honest depiction of how your organisation is perceived in this realm, and highlights any investments, partnerships, strategies or projects which may jar with your sustainability identity or fall short in terms of credibility. It will also highlight which ones are really working well! The information and tools we provide will allow you to move forward with your environmental sustainability strategy with confidence - bringing invaluable improvements in integrity, efficiency, reputation and ROI.

Our values

As sustainability consultants first and foremost, and with a genuine understanding and dedication for creating a sustainable future, the advice we give will always be grounded in credibility and accountability. In Truth operates objectively: our reporting is fully transparent, honest and independent.

Our solution

As both environmentalists and businesswomen, we are driven to provide valuable insights for your brand from an environmental sustainability point of view and from a commercial success perspective. The two are far from mutually exclusive! Indeed, a more successful sustainability strategy often translates into broader commercial reward and opportunity, not least because of the positive impact on reputation. Knowledge is crucial to good decision-making, though - and In Truth is leading the way in helping companies future-proof their brands against the backdrop of the climate emergency.

  • Emma Steele


    Emma has worked in research and communications for over 20 years, supporting a broad range of clients through her work with companies including the Discovery Channel, the BBC, the EU, Australian Geographic and Omerli Cohen PR. Highly adept at interpreting information and understanding issues in the context of commercial strategy, Emma loves applying her skills in an area which means so much to her: sustainability. Emma also set up her own business, The Happy Ocean Company ,having spoken to so many companies needing help in implementing positive change. Having gained a degree in Zoology at the University of Sheffield, Emma is never happier than when surrounded by wildlife and nature.

  • Sally Cornelius


    For the past 25 years, Sally has been supporting businesses in their development, driving change through her energy and passion. Post-university, Sally set up her first business in 2006, successfully helping community leisure organisations implement commercial strategies. Sally is an excellent communicator and trained business facilitator, skilled at designing and delivering workshops across a range of organisations. She has participated in several social and environmental projects, including a gamekeeper course in South Africa and a marine biology programme in Madagascar. Sally loves to have a positive impact, spending many an hour litter-picking along the River Thames from her kayak.

  • Bethan Pugh


    Bethan is a results-driven, business strategy professional with two businesses in the environmental sustainability sector. Starting her career in Food & Drink PR, Bethan then took on a role as Business Development Manager for a national agriculture retailer. She has a proven track record in creating campaigns, engaging stakeholders and combining commercial and educational objectives. She is a perceptive and analytical business woman, with a flair for branding. Bethan’s interest in environmental sustainability comes from her interest in sport and the outdoors, advocating connecting with nature and harnessing its power to enhance health and wellbeing.

Book a Consultation

Future-proof your brand, with an environmental reputation and strategy audit.